⬇️ How AI reduces customer support costs by 30% (partner use case)

+ NEWS: Apple & OpenAI collaborate on a new device ; 1X announces robot world model

In Partnership with:

Hey there,

Welcome back to our use-case series, where we aim to unpack the most interesting applications of Artificial Intelligence in the business world.

This week’s newsletter is once more brought to you by our partner, Brainstation 23.

Case Study:


A leading E-commerce Manufacturer faced challenges in increasing customer interaction on their online store.

They needed to enhance their online presence and speed up customer query responses with a personal touch.


Brainstation 23 came in to implement an AI-driven chatbot. This led to improve customer interaction, address language barriers, integrate complex data sources, and meet the demand for real-time responses.


  • Automated query responses about products and policies.

  • Dynamic product recommendations in multiple languages.

  • Seamless integration with the company’s WordPress database and PDF documents.

  • Support for both voice and text-based interactions.


  • Increased customer engagement by 40%.

  • Reduced customer support costs by 25%.

  • Improved customer satisfaction by 30% with instant responses.

  • Enhanced data-driven decision-making through insightful reporting.

Partner of the Week

Brain Station 23 PLC. is a homegrown software development company providing state-of-the-art software & IT solutions for fintech, telco, eCommerce, pharma, manufacturing, retail, etc. industries both locally & globally since 2006.

This Week in AI

  • Apple & OpenAI are collaborating on a new AI-powered hardware device;

  • Google’s Quantum AI team unveils a new system;

  • 1X announces a “world model” for robots - a program that imagines how the world evolves based on a robot’s behaviour.

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This is all for this week.

If you have any specific questions around today’s issue, email me under [email protected].

For more infos about us, check out our website here.

See you next week!

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