📈 Grow sales conversions by 20% with AI (partner use case)

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In Partnership with:


Brainstation 23 implemented AI-driven solutions for a leading B2B CRM provider, automating lead scoring, sales forecasting, and communication processes.

This reduced inefficiencies, increased lead conversion rates by 20%, and improved overall client satisfaction.

Hey there,

Let’s do things a bit differently this week, as we highlight a use case, brought to us by the real-life projects our partners have implemented.

The aim is not only to showcase the wide range of possibilities there are to implement AI in your business - but also to help you learn the differences in functionalities, adoption ways, good (and bad) fits, the right tools, and more.

And the best part is: if you are a member, we will help you analyse your current situation and find the right partner for delivery.

Just join the waitlist today and become part of the next cohort of applicants!

Now, let’s dive into this week’s use case, brought to you by our partner, Brainstation 23.

Case Study:


A leading B2B CRM provider raised challenges faced by operational inefficiencies on their platform.

The process of scoring, forecasting & communicating with sales leads on the platform was highly manual and time-consuming.

The risks here were even greater: High inefficiencies, hindered decision making and even impacted revenue targets. On top of that, it was also allowing for human error.


Brainstation 23 came in to implement AI-driven solutions, automating lead scoring, forecasting, and streamlined lead communication.


  • Automated lead and opportunity scoring using machine learning.

  • Integrated machine learning algorithms for accurate sales quota forecasting.

  • Introduced a GPT-based saved search chatbot for real-time insights.

  • Implemented email sentiment analysis to improve communication strategies.


  • Increased lead conversion rates by 20%.

  • Reduced revenue fluctuations by 30%.

  • Cut query response time by 50%.

  • Decreased email response time by 25%, boosting client satisfaction.

Partner of the Week

Brain Station 23 PLC. is a homegrown software development company providing state-of-the-art software & IT solutions for fintech, telco, eCommerce, pharma, manufacturing, retail, etc. industries both locally & globally since 2006.

In case you missed it, you can check out our latest workshop with Brainstation 23 below:

This Week in AI

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This is all for this week.

If you have any specific questions around today’s issue, email me under [email protected].

For more infos about us, check out our website here.

See you next week!

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