Why now is the time to implement AI in your business

+ NEWS: China unveils 27 humanoid robots & Musk's Grok-2 features significant improvements


Many people are hesitant to adopt AI due to misconceptions and perceived barriers like cost, complexity, and lack of infrastructure.

With the rise of no-code platforms, AI is more accessible than ever.

Early adoption offers significant advantages: customer insights, staying relevant, speeding up innovation, and gaining a competitive edge.

Now is the time to implement AI in your business to avoid falling behind competitors and missing out on opportunities.

Don't wait—start now to future-proof your business.

I sense suspicion…

We’ve all had this conversation.

The person you speak to is generally interested in AI


There are loads of objections, misconceptions, fears - that are holding them back from using it.

  • AI is too expensive

  • too complex

  • it’s difficult to start

  • don’t have time for this

  • don’t have the infrastructure

You might even be this person.

Here’s a question for you:

What, in the name of everything dear to you, is holding you back?

Answer this for yourself.

In the meantime,

if you’d like to know what we’ve identified…

We see 2 Problem Clusters:

There are a lot of misconceptions about AI as a technology


People don’t tend to feel the urgency that they NEED AI.

Let’s break this down a bit more.

a. Understand AI = win big.

b. Don’t understand AI = don’t win big.

c. Early Adopter = can lead to an early majority

The winner for biggest misconception around AI is...

AI is only for large companies.

eeeek. Wrong.

But I get why you might think that.

Before Gen AI became popular, Machine Learning was on the rise.

To implement Machine Learning, you need:

  • good data architecture

  • AI specialists

  • tech equipment

  • necessary power sources

  • loads of $$$$

Good news is: Machine Learning is not what you are looking to implement (in most cases).

With no & low code on the rise, AI players are making AI accessible to the larger crowd.

No-code platforms are tools that would usually require coding, but they are now simple drag-and-drop interfaces anyone can work with.

So now, you can build your AI solutions from your computer, without needing extra tech equipment or high computational power,

& the costs associated with implementing AI in your business significantly decrease compared to ML.

That’s why it’s important to understand that now’s the right time to jump on the AI wagon and start implementing it in your business.


Reasons to be an Early Adopter, or: How to feel the urgency you NEED.

Collecting Customer Data

Implementing AI in your business will allow you to collect valuable customer data.

This data will improve insights, personalisations, operations, growth, and more.

The longer you wait, the more data you are missing out on.

Staying Relevant

Customers will start expecting AI features and services soon. Actually they already are.

Don’t incur the risk of being perceived as outdated or irrelevant.

Speed up

The faster you get into it, the faster you will identify improvements.

As an early adopter, you will have more time to experiment, refine, improve.

Competitive Advantage

As much your market, as well as in terms of the talent you can attract and retain.

Using cutting-edge technologies like AI will set you apart.

If you don’t hop on the train, you will watch as your AI-powered competitors are able to operate more efficiently, make better decisions, and provide better customer experiences.

which group do you prefer?

Because you will get left behind.

Now is the time to implement AI to gain a competitive advantage, collect valuable customer data, and future-proof your business.

The consequences of not implementing AI include falling behind competitors, missing out on opportunities, losing talent, and becoming less competitive over time.

If you struggle to see where you can start off, join our waitlist today and become part of the next cohort of applicants!

This Week in AI

Musk did it again

  • China unveiled 27 humanoid robots at the 2024 World Robot Conference in Beijing, signalling an aim to dominate the industry.

  • New Studies show that AI is better at pattern recognition than rule application. This is why you should always include a few examples in your prompts, to ensure the best quality of outputs.

  • XAI’s Grok-2 (& mini) - feature new improvements, doubling speed and accuracy of the models. Founded only 18 months ago and already ranking 3rd in the world, the LLM significantly intensifies competition in the market.

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This is all for this week.

If you have any specific questions around today’s issue, email me under [email protected].

For more infos about us, check out our website here.

See you next week!